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Valley of the Unicorns


Let me go to the valley of the unicorns
Let me swim with the fishes in the sea

Let me go to where the trolls play fetch among the trees
Where the fairies are dancing in the dusk 
Where I can just be one with the great old forest
Please, if you truly love me 
Let me go   

Let me rest where the wolves are howling at the moon
Where the tiger is hiding in the grass
Where the moas run
Where pandas are abundant  
Where fireflies are lighting up the dark

Let me go where I can always hear the songs of birds
Let me walk in the shadows of the neverending woods
Let me dream under the crowns of silver beech trees
Let me sit down in a glade where roses grow

Let me see the dragons fly over the mountain tops
Greeted by the sounds of mammoth trunks
Le me run along the tracks of the wild horses
Let me look on as the crows settle for the night
Let me feel the grains of sand in between my toes
When I draw paintings in the sand with a fallen branch
Let me watch the dolphins jump high above the waves 
To the calls of the white sea gulls under rainbow sky  
Let me me live in a land with quite few people in
Let me wake up from the rays of morning sun 
Let me grow my food in my own little garden
Let me be happy in a very simple life

Yes, I am longing for a rather different world
And if you love me
Let me go there
Let me go 

Let me go into this land that I am dreaming of
Let me go to the land where fairy tales are born

Let me go into the stories
Let my dream come true
Let me go now
If you love me
Let me go  

Let me go now
If you love me
Let me go

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